Camp Guidelines

  1. Stay with your group and do what your parents tell you to do.
  2. Do not go onto the wharf or beach, or into the water without adult supervision.
  3. Think of other people’s feelings and include and encourage others.
  4. Look after the environment, animals, and equipment.
  5. Show respect to other people - no answering back, no put downs, use manners (say please and thank you), offer adults a seat and stand back to let them through the door.
  6. Keep quiet after lights out and stay out of others’ sleeping rooms at all times.
  7. Eat what you’re given, stay seated, wait to be called for seconds and say thank you.
  8. Act responsibly all the time.
  9. Footwear on during all waking hours.
  10. You will wear a life jacket for any activity in/on the water.